>>GMElectric, Inc.

Charity Golf Outing

& Poker Run

Spring Valley Golf Course

5851 Breezehill Road SW

East Sparta, Ohio 44626


August 17, 2013

Tee off at 8:00 A.M.

$40 per person in teams of four

18 holes of golf with golf cart

-Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

-Lots of great prizes

-Raise money for cancer research


   Prizes for:

    Top 4 Poker Hands

     Longest Ball

    Best Ball

The top five highest team scramble scores

will have a card exchange option!

Have your team captain

Call or E-mail today

to qualify you for early sign up gifts!

Sarah Bailey at Sarah@GMElectric.Biz

330-477-3392  or  330-437-5811


All Proceeds Help Fund Cancer
